Extras and Bonus Materials
Evidence vs. Fear
Highlighting evidence, research, and principles that have been too often forgotten or ignored since March of 2020.
Free poster-sized PDF: CDC vs. The Evidence
A visual summary of the balance of mask-related evidence, formatted as a 24x36 poster-sized pdf. Please feel free to download, print, and share any part of them! Click to open the full-sized version.
This poster is a organized like a seesaw or teeter totter, with weaker evidence such as modeling and laboratory studies nearer the center, and stronger evidence such as randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses at the ends.
The full-sized version can be zoomed in until even the smallest text is readable. Each block contains a published study in academically-formatted citation. Darker blocks contain studies relating directly to mask efficacy, and lighter blocks contain background information which tends to support or discourage mask use, such as overall COVID-19 transmission risk in various settings, mask side effects, etc.
This space reserved for the potential response mentioned in Footnote 194 (Part 4, Chapter 2, pg. 261-262).
Full Resolution Pictures, Tables, and Figures from The Book on Masks